Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Brioche Loaf

Given the Halloween is around the corner, I've therefore recently been seeing lots of dishes made of pumpkin posted everywhere on the foodie websites! And that kind of convinced me to make something about it..for nothing but to keep myself being trendy! lol..

Since I hadn't made anything with yeast for a while, so I simply chose this bricohe to play with which is quite easy and nothing is really complicated..what you need is patience and time get it done!

The recipe could be found here.  I made half of the recipe and ended up with a loaf plus 12 pieces of rolls ( which I called them ' cinnamon pumpkin brioche snails ' )


  1. Hi...this bread looks absolutely amazing! Do you happen to still have access to the recipe to share...the link you provided no longer works.Thx!


  3. Thx. I took a chance and sent this but for some reason I didn't think you would see it. So thank you for's greatly appreciated!
