Monday, April 11, 2011


When I saw the photo and description of this Polish coffee yeasted cake on foodgawker, my first reaction was to think of how odd ( for myself !)the name is and then, without second thoughts, automatically double-clicked on the photo to go to the original post which everything there looked convincing to me!

Given no experience and no awareness of the bread before, I simply assumed that the best way to acquaint this Polish Easter bread is to give it a try by myself ! And with a quick search on google , all stories and recipes are not actually different from each I decided to use the recipe from my first source which turned out to be perfect and definitely please all of tasters!

The recipe could be found here.

Ps. this post has also been sent to yeastspotting hosted by Susan of Wildyeast.

1 comment:

  1. Well yes! How funny to come across a Polish cake :) My grandmother used to make one like this every Saturday. She would top it with crumble, or apples and crumble, or plum jam and crumble, or whatever she fancied at the moment. Such a simple old-fashioned cake that brings you back to your childhood ;) Cheers, Mela
